Baker Memorial Girls’ Higher Secondary School

Fostering Brilliance and Focusing Future

The Saga of Baker Memorial Girls’ Higher Secondary School goes
way back year 1819, with the arrival of Church Missionary Society
on the Indian soil in 1816. The missionaries set about lighting the
beacon of Education.

About Us

The Saga of Baker Memorial Girls’ Higher Secondary School goes way back to the year 1816, with the arrival of Church Missionary Society on the Indian soil. The missionaries set about lighting the beacon of Education. Amelia Dorothea Baker, wife of Henry Baker Sr, realizing that a whole society can be developed if its women are educated, lost no time in starting Female Education.

Why Choose Us?

Eco – friendly campus and spacious classrooms

Devoted faculty for innovative teaching

Personal care and personality development

Special coaching for
weak students

Counselling Unit and
Career Guidance Cell

Playground and
recreational facilities

Recent Events



Empowering seekers of knowledge through holistic Education

Highlights of the events of 217 nth Birthday of our Founder
Amelia Dorothea Baker on Jan 20,2019